Introducing Journal of Clinical Research and Applied Medicine
Dear authors and readers,
I am happy to launch a new journal entitled Journal of Clinical Research and Applied Medicine (www. dedicating towards the medical and clinical research field. In this journal, we provide a new research report analysing the aspects of basic research/ clinical studies related to the field of medical sciences. Clinical research is rising due to the advent of new technology and the growing expectation and demand from researchers. The journal aims to promote medical science research, sharing of scientific information, and discussion of regulatory systems that encourage innovative research. JCRAM provides a platform for the most precise and rapid sharing of fresh scientific information to promote timely dissemination of knowledge and idea cross-fertilization. Journal of Clinical Research and Applied Medicine (JCRAM) strives to provide high-quality peer-reviewed papers and high-performing works in the field of medical sciences to students, researchers, and scientists all over the world. With your kind cooperation and assistance, JCRAM will take great care in getting your article published as soon as possible. Read more . . .

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